The Integrated Photonic
Emerging Solutions (IPES) laboratory was
established at
CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics of the
of Central Florida in 2008.
Funded by DARPA, NSF, ONR, NASA, DOE, as well as
private companies like Harris Corporation, the lab's research philosophy is
to conduct groundbreaking research on
ultracompact integrated photonic device physics and circuit design,
nanofabrication and characterization, as emerging solutions for a variety of
engineering applications, such as data- and tele-communication, microwave
engineering and nonlinear and quantum information systems in the visible to
the mid-infrared wavelengths and on materials ranging from silicon and III-V
compound semiconductors, to nonlinear dielectrics and glasses.
The lab envisions two core
(a) Addressing critical problems faced by the
photonics industry today through innovative approaches that enable
revolutionary advances in integrated devices and circuits on semiconductors,
dielectrics, glasses, etc.
(b) Educating a new
generation of creative and highly-skilled photonic device scientists and engineers,
who will be the driving force for technological innovation in industry and
A wide variety of funded
research projects
in integrated photonics are currently underway. For more information, feel free to contact
Contact Info:
Sasan Fathpour, Professor
College of Optics and Photonics
University of Central Florida
4304 Scorpius St.
Orlando, FL 32816-2700
Phone: (407) 823-6961
Fax: (407) 823-6880
Email: f a t h p o u r [ a t ] c r e o l . u c f . e d u
Location: CREOL (Bldg. 53)
Maps and Directions